For entrepreneurs, it can be difficult to know when to take a break. When summertime arrives, you may be torn between growing your business and enjoying a well-deserved vacation. There’s no denying that a break every now and then is vital for avoiding burnout, so don’t just skip that summer break. Here are some planning tips for entrepreneurs to help you survive the summer and take the break you need.
Know why you need a break
Just because you can work seven days a week, 52 weeks a year, doesn’t mean you should. Breaks are important, especially if you’re trying to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Taking a break in the summertime is likely something you’d do if you worked for someone else, so don’t skip this just because you’re the boss. A relaxing break–even one that lasts a week–can rejuvenate you and spark your creativity, helping you avoid burnout and making your work seem less stressful in the long run.
Plan ahead
If you have employees, start planning your time off at the first of the year. Will you all take a break at the same time and shut the business down during that time? Or will you take separate breaks and balance the workload accordingly? Once you know how you’ll manage everyone’s time off, you can start planning your actual break.
Don’t find excuses not to take a break
If you have to, book an actual trip that requires travel arrangements and accommodations. Book it early so you’ll see it on your calendar every week and feel less likely to cancel your break because it’s booked and paid for.
Let staff know what to expect
Will you be accepting calls and emails while on your break? Or will you only make exceptions for emergencies? Decide early on and designate someone to act on your behalf, if necessary, so that you can enjoy your vacation without work interruptions.
Communicate with clients
If you have clients that you deal with directly, let them know that you’ll be away from the office. Reassure them that your staff can take care of them, or that they are free to contact you after your break.
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